Saturday, May 4, 2013

Graphing with LiveCode, Part 1: Learning How to Draw Lines with Scripts

In my previous post, I casually mentioned that it would be cool to graph the changing rate at which unique random codes were being generated. Graphing is a powerful visual tool. But how would one actually do this in LiveCode?

First, unfortunately, there is no graphing tool or widget in LiveCode (at least not that I'm aware of). But, LiveCode has many graphical drawing tools. In fact, it has the two most common graphical types: bitmap (i.e. paint) and vector (i.e. drawing).  I'm assuming you know the difference between the two. If not, you might want to do a quick google search at this point to learn the difference. In short, bitmap graphics are merely the turning on or off of pixels on the screen, whereas vector-based graphics are "defined" as objects. For example, if you've ever used a graphics package where you create rectangles and ovals and then could stretch any of these by clicking and holding on one of the the object's handles, or if you could click on the object and continually choose different line widths, line colors, fill colors, etc. after first drawing the object, then you are using a vector-based tool. It's as though the object is defined as having so many sides or lines, with each line being straight or curved, and being such and such color and thickness, etc. In contrast, bitmap graphics are drawn on the screen with attributes that cannot be changed or manipulated, other than by doing things such as taking an "eraser" tool and slowly erasing the object, or selecting an area of the screen and choosing to cut it.

So, it's great that LiveCode has both. In the tools palette, the bitmap graphic tools are in the bottommost section (e.g. spray can, eraser, pencil, etc.) and the vector graphics tools are just above those (e.g. rectangle tool, oval tool, line tool, etc.):

If you are still fuzzy on the whole bitmap vs. vector graphics thing, I suggest you take 5 minutes to play with these tools now. Just open a new card and start drawing a bunch of graphics. You'll quickly deduce the difference between these two graphics families.

In this blog entry, I'm just going to show how to draw a simple line with the brush bitmap tool. We won't actually do any graphing in the mathematical sense until part 2. But, you have to first understand how to use these tools first in simple scripts. So, this post will be rather boring in that we won't try to do any mathematical graphing (something I'll define better next time). Let's just take a few minutes to learn how to use scripting techniques to draw lines on the screen.

Cartesian Coordinate System - LiveCode Style

OK, let's get into it. Consider the following code of a button titled "Draw Lines":

 on mouseUp
   choose brush tool
   set the brush to 32
   set the brushColor to brown
   set the dragSpeed to 0
   drag from 25,200 to 50,150
   drag from 50,150 to 75,175
   drag from 75,175 to 100,140
   choose browse tool
end mouseUp

This script is yet another example of the natural language-feel of LiveCode. Line 2 says to choose the brush tool from the various bitmap graphic tools.

Line three selects the brush shape that will be used.  There are 35 built-in shapes. According to the LiveCode dictionary: "A brushID is a built-in brush number between 1 and 35. (These brushes correspond to LiveCode's built-in patterns 101 to 135.) By default, the brush is set to 8 (a round brush)."

32 is a thin, square brush shape, and a good one for plotting line graphs. 28 is probably the thinnest brush to choose. Brushes 5-8 give different round sizes, whereas brushes 1-4 give similar sizes, but in a square shape.

Line four chooses the color that the brush will paint with -- you can also use an RGB triplet here instead (e.g. 127,127,255).

Line five sets the speed at which the brush will draw, with 0 being as fast as possible (0 is best thought of as instantaneous).

Lines 6-8 draw three lines and we need to understand them perfectly before going on. First, you need to understand the grid system of the LiveCode stack window. Each pixel in the window can be identified with a pair of numbers. The first indicates how far from the left edge to go and the second number indicates how far from the top edge to go. So, with the pair 25, 200, you start from the top left corner and go to the right 25 pixels, then down 200 pixels.

At this point I'm hoping you are having a flashback to your high school algebra days to remember something called the Cartesian Coordinate system (named after the famous mathematician and philosopher, René Descartes). This is simply the same sort of grid consisting of two lines -- the x-axis (horizontal) and the y-axis (vertical) -- crossing each other at right angles, usually drawn to resemble a big plus sign, with the origin -- 0,0 -- at the center. (These crisscrossing lines are just that "lines," in the formal mathematical sense, meaning that they extend infinitely in all four directions, symbolized by small arrow heads.) The LiveCode grid system is similar except that 0,0 is in the top-left corner of the screen meaning that as the vertical number (second of the pair) gets bigger, the further down you go. In contrast, as y gets bigger using the classic Cartesian grid, you go up. This little difference will become more important in my next blog entry.

So, line 6 tells the computer to go to point 25, 200 (i.e. starting at the top left corner, go over 25 and down 200), then drag the brush to point 50,150, leaving a line segment between the two points.

Line 7 starts at 50,150, then drags another line to point 75,175. Finally, line 8 starts at 75, 175 and drags a final line to point 100,140. So, all we are doing is connecting the dots. Here is what the 3 line segments look like in a stack of size 500 by 500:

Not too exciting, I realize. But, you should play with this code, drawing different lines all connected to each other just by changing the coordinates (the pair of numbers for each starting or ending point) of the drag command. To have one long jagged line created, just be sure that the starting point of the next line segment is exactly the same as the ending point of the previous line segment.

Now notice line 9 -- "choose browse tool" -- this is the tool represented by the left arrow in the top left corner of the tool palette. If you leave off this command, the brush tool remains chosen and you will have to manually choose the browse tool.

OK, I Drew Some Graphics, So How Do I Erase Them?

Now, notice the Erase button. That button does just what it says -- it will erase all bitmapped graphics drawn on the card. Here's the code for this button:

on mouseUp
   choose select tool
   drag from 0,0 to 500,500
   choose browse tool
end mouseUp

The select tool is the first bitmap tool in the tool palette represented by the dotted rectangle. By dragging from 0,0 to 500,500 with the select tool, you have actually chosen the entire stack window. The command "cut" does just that -- it cuts, or removes, whatever bitmapped graphics are in this area.

OK, that's enough for now. Take some time to play with these commands, perhaps being bold and playing with other bitmapped tools using this scripting approach. If you haven't noticed already, these scripts mimic what you would do manually with your mouse, selecting various tools and drawing with them. It's pretty cool that you can actually script out these choices and movements with LiveCode.

In my next blog entry, I take these bitmap graphic scripting skills to the next level by using them to graph any mathematical equation, including lines, parabolas, the sine curve, whatever. I know, you can hardly wait.

Note: I deliberately have not provided any LiveCode file with this blog post. I'll include later one stack with all of the codes described in all the postings associated with this topic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lloyds,

    I enjoyed reading this post. The first thing that came to mind was, this is pretty cool but is it possible to allow the user to draw circles, rectangles etc... and see the coordinates generated from each shape?

    As you might guess from the quest, i'm completely new to Livecode!

    Kind Regards,
