December is finally here. It's been a wonderful semester at the University of Georgia. They seem to get better the longer I'm here. Although I haven't written many posts lately, I have been doing quite a bit of work with LiveCode. In particular, I've done much more work on my Q sort tool. In case anyone wants some background, here are links to my previous three posts about my Q sort tool:
As I've explained in previous posts, I've been trying to come up with an instructional strategy using a Q sort as the main class activity. In my early field trials, I really struggled to provide the class participants with the sorting results as quickly as possible. The reason is that I feel that the Q sort activity promotes a very active, "minds on" experience for participants. In order to take full advantage of their thinking and engagement, I need to compile, analyze, and report to the class participants the results of the Q sort activity as soon after they complete it as possible. In this post, I'll explain why that was such a challenge and what I've built to make this task much, much easier.
When a person completes a Q sort activity, a data string is created and uploaded to a text file stored on the Internet. For example, here is a sample based on a recent Q sort activity completed by an undergraduate class on the topic of favorite vacation destinations using the prompt "Sort these vacation destinations from most to least favorite." Here is the list of vacation destinations they sorted:
Each line of data is an individual's data separated by commas. Here are a few lines of the data to illustrate:
Each line starts with the unique Q sort code, then a date/time stamp, then the name of the Q sort, then the name of the person (I obviously substituted PERSON for each name). This is all followed by the sorting data where each statement's rating is provided. I also ask participants to rate a "summary statement," something I explain briefly below, so those results are next. Finally, I collected the time it took the person to complete the Q sort (in seconds).
OK, great, I have collected data. How does one quickly make sense of these data quickly and accurately in order to trigger some class discussion?
First, it is important to recognize that the analysis I wanted to perform was very simple in comparison to a true Q sort analysis. An actual Q sort analysis is best thought of as an upside-down factor analysis, meaning that instead of reducing the number of measures (i.e. statements) down to a smaller number of common factors, the idea is to reduce the number of people into a smaller number of profiles comprising those people. This type of analysis can take weeks and requires a sophisticated statistical package to pull it off. No, what I wanted was a straightforward analysis that I could do quickly, with results that the students and I could understand and react to. The goal of the analysis is just to trigger discussion and more reflection. That is, this is a learning goal, not a research goal. So far, I've settled on computing the sum and standard deviation for each statement based on all of the participant scores. The sum gives an overall sense of the importance of each statement for this group of people in comparison to the others. The standard deviation gives a quick sense of how much the group "agrees" with the ranking of that statement.
My basic plan is for participants to have a short small-group discussion in class - about 10 minutes - about their Q sort results immediately after completing it while I quickly analyze the data and prepare some slides of the overall results. That's a tall order in 10 minutes. And yes, my first idea was to use Excel to analyze the data. This is actually a good idea, if there was more time. I was able to successfully create an excel file on the fly that would analyze the data, but it was a challenge to do so quickly without making any mistakes. It's hard to explain what it feels like to be in the "heat of the moment" when teaching, but it can be stressful to try to focus on a task such as this requiring attention to detail. Such an Excel file begins with the following:
It's easy to get the data into neat and tidy columns using the "Text to Columns" option in Excel. This option allows you to split a line of data into columns based on some delimiter, such as the handy dandy comma. As you can see, I deleted a bunch of the columns to just focus on the people and their statement ratings. I summed the results for each statement. I also computed the standard deviation for each statement (again, as a rough measure of "agreement"). This is all well and good, but I really need the data in this form:
Fortunately, Excel has a transpose option. You first copy the data cells, then you choose "Paste special." Transpose will be one of the options. I then added a column and pasted in the statement labels. Then I sorted the rows in order of sum (largest to smallest). I did the same thing for the standard deviation, though I sorted that data from smallest to largest so that the statements the participants were "most agreement with" are at the top.
So, sure, I could do this in Excel, but allow me to repeat: Doing this in about 10 minutes without making a mistake is quite a challenge. And, if I wanted to do several Q sorts in a single class session, I would really be struggling. I'm good, but I'm not that good. I played around with the idea of creating an Excel template to facilitate the process, but that didn't work so well. What I wanted was a one-click solution.
To meet these challenges, I created yet another LiveCode project that takes the Q sort data and produces the results quickly as described above. Here's the main screen (which uses all of the undergraduate's responses):
All I need to do is paste in the raw data into the large field on the left and the statements on the right. The bottom two left fields give me to double-check the data to be sure everything is ready for the analysis. For example, if all is good, a person's ratings will sum to 0. (I have noticed that data is sometimes missing, such as one of a person's statement ratings. Other quirky errors in the data have happened too, such as a person's data being duplicated. I'm not really sure why this is happening. Fortunately, it's a relatively rare occurrence, and I can usually make the needed corrections. Still, it's a cause of some concern.) I also drew that long arrow from the right side of the screen to the left to remind me to check that the raw data is being parsed correctly. I built in an auto-refresh feature so that after the mouse leaves each field after pasting, the key data fields update automatically.
If all is good, I simply click the red button "Analyze" and voilà! Here is the output:
The data are all nicely computed and sorted just the way I want.
If I now click on the button "Copy All to Clipboard" I can then paste the data into Excel and use the "Text to Columns" option to produce the following formatted spreadsheet:
This is more than adequate, but a few more edits within Excel will produce the following output:
I usually just project this final spreadsheet on the large screen for students to review. But, I could easily copy and paste this into a PowerPoint slide as well.
The main point to all of this is that I can go from raw data to PowerPoint in about 2 minutes without needing any intense concentration to do so. While this isn't exactly a one-click solution, it's pretty close!
I should explain the "Summary Statement Average" of 2.41. After participants complete the Q sort, I ask them to rate one more question. In this case, the statement was "It is important to go on a real vacation at least once a year." I used the same rating scale as that used in the Q sort, which in this case ranged from -3 to +3 (a seven point scale). A summary rating of 2.41 clearly indicates that this group believes in the idea of yearly vacations. This summary statement gives me a Likert-like item that I'm considering using as a kind of weight to modify the raw data. These results are shown above under the orange headings ("adjusted"). I have some research questions related to this. Perhaps I'll explain more about that later.
You might have noticed another button just below the Analyze button titled "Are You Like Me?" This is rather interesting and I will explain it further in a follow-up blog posting. Basically, this button will produce an analysis where each person is compared to the rest of the group. I think this has much potential for both instruction and research. It leads to some very interesting results that really seem to grab the participants' attention and interest.
I really wasn't wanting to create this Q Sort Analysis Tool, but it was needed and I'm obviously now glad it's done. It makes the analysis process extremely easy for me. And, even though I compute some simple statistics (i.e. sum and standard deviation), it would be very easy to add other statistics as well, should they prove necessary.
So, how did these undergraduates sort this list of favorite vacation destinations? As you probably already noted, Hawaii topped the list with very little disagreement among the group. Somewhat surprisingly, London was next (I would have bet on Paris). I find it very interesting that "Home" garnered the most disagreement and this result could be used to initiate some interesting discussion. Alas, Pittsburgh was second to last and there seemed to be little disagreement about this among the students. I'll feel sorry for them the next time I'm enjoying a delicious fish sandwich with pierogies on the side at Cupka's Cafe on Pittsburgh's southside. But, Pittsburgh did rank higher than Branson, Missouri. Perhaps "Thank God for Branson, MO!" should become Pittsburgh's new motto.
- Creating a Q Sort with LiveCode
- Lloyd's Q Sort Project: Importing Data from an Internet File
- Latest on My Q Sort Prototype: Enhancing the User Experience and Inventing an Instructional Strategy
As I've explained in previous posts, I've been trying to come up with an instructional strategy using a Q sort as the main class activity. In my early field trials, I really struggled to provide the class participants with the sorting results as quickly as possible. The reason is that I feel that the Q sort activity promotes a very active, "minds on" experience for participants. In order to take full advantage of their thinking and engagement, I need to compile, analyze, and report to the class participants the results of the Q sort activity as soon after they complete it as possible. In this post, I'll explain why that was such a challenge and what I've built to make this task much, much easier.
The Q Sort Raw Data
When a person completes a Q sort activity, a data string is created and uploaded to a text file stored on the Internet. For example, here is a sample based on a recent Q sort activity completed by an undergraduate class on the topic of favorite vacation destinations using the prompt "Sort these vacation destinations from most to least favorite." Here is the list of vacation destinations they sorted:
Aspen, ColoradoI found a web site that listed 10 of the top vacation spots in the United States and I added the rest. (Yes, adding Pittsburgh was rather mischevious of me. But hey, I think it's a fantastic place to spend one's vacation. I also added "home," which I thought was rather insightful.) A lot of the students never heard of Branson, Missouri, which might be a good thing.
Branson, Missouri
Cancun, Mexico
Myrtle Beach
New York City
San Francisco
Each line of data is an individual's data separated by commas. Here are a few lines of the data to illustrate:
vacation-abd,Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:56:26 -0500,Favorite Vacation Destinations?,PERSON1,0,-2,+1,+3,0,+1,0,-1,-1,-3,+2,-1,+1,0,Summary Statement Results,2,Time (seconds),59
vacation-abd,Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:56:31 -0500,Favorite Vacation Destinations?,PERSON2,+1,-1,0,+3,-3,+1,0,-1,0,-2,0,-1,+2,+1,Summary Statement Results,+3,Time (seconds),78
vacation-abd,Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:57:51 -0500,Favorite Vacation Destinations?,PERSON3,+3,-3,+1,+2,0,+1,+1,-1,-1,-1,0,-2,0,0,Summary Statement Results,+3,Time (seconds),131
vacation-abd,Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:57:51 -0500,Favorite Vacation Destinations?,PERSON4,0,-3,-1,+1,0,+3,0,-1,0,+1,+2,-2,+1,-1,Summary Statement Results,+3,Time (seconds),159
Each line starts with the unique Q sort code, then a date/time stamp, then the name of the Q sort, then the name of the person (I obviously substituted PERSON for each name). This is all followed by the sorting data where each statement's rating is provided. I also ask participants to rate a "summary statement," something I explain briefly below, so those results are next. Finally, I collected the time it took the person to complete the Q sort (in seconds).
OK, great, I have collected data. How does one quickly make sense of these data quickly and accurately in order to trigger some class discussion?
My First Idea: Use Excel to Analyze the Data
First, it is important to recognize that the analysis I wanted to perform was very simple in comparison to a true Q sort analysis. An actual Q sort analysis is best thought of as an upside-down factor analysis, meaning that instead of reducing the number of measures (i.e. statements) down to a smaller number of common factors, the idea is to reduce the number of people into a smaller number of profiles comprising those people. This type of analysis can take weeks and requires a sophisticated statistical package to pull it off. No, what I wanted was a straightforward analysis that I could do quickly, with results that the students and I could understand and react to. The goal of the analysis is just to trigger discussion and more reflection. That is, this is a learning goal, not a research goal. So far, I've settled on computing the sum and standard deviation for each statement based on all of the participant scores. The sum gives an overall sense of the importance of each statement for this group of people in comparison to the others. The standard deviation gives a quick sense of how much the group "agrees" with the ranking of that statement.
My basic plan is for participants to have a short small-group discussion in class - about 10 minutes - about their Q sort results immediately after completing it while I quickly analyze the data and prepare some slides of the overall results. That's a tall order in 10 minutes. And yes, my first idea was to use Excel to analyze the data. This is actually a good idea, if there was more time. I was able to successfully create an excel file on the fly that would analyze the data, but it was a challenge to do so quickly without making any mistakes. It's hard to explain what it feels like to be in the "heat of the moment" when teaching, but it can be stressful to try to focus on a task such as this requiring attention to detail. Such an Excel file begins with the following:
It's easy to get the data into neat and tidy columns using the "Text to Columns" option in Excel. This option allows you to split a line of data into columns based on some delimiter, such as the handy dandy comma. As you can see, I deleted a bunch of the columns to just focus on the people and their statement ratings. I summed the results for each statement. I also computed the standard deviation for each statement (again, as a rough measure of "agreement"). This is all well and good, but I really need the data in this form:
Fortunately, Excel has a transpose option. You first copy the data cells, then you choose "Paste special." Transpose will be one of the options. I then added a column and pasted in the statement labels. Then I sorted the rows in order of sum (largest to smallest). I did the same thing for the standard deviation, though I sorted that data from smallest to largest so that the statements the participants were "most agreement with" are at the top.
So, sure, I could do this in Excel, but allow me to repeat: Doing this in about 10 minutes without making a mistake is quite a challenge. And, if I wanted to do several Q sorts in a single class session, I would really be struggling. I'm good, but I'm not that good. I played around with the idea of creating an Excel template to facilitate the process, but that didn't work so well. What I wanted was a one-click solution.
Creating a One-Click Q Sort Analysis Tool with LiveCode
To meet these challenges, I created yet another LiveCode project that takes the Q sort data and produces the results quickly as described above. Here's the main screen (which uses all of the undergraduate's responses):
All I need to do is paste in the raw data into the large field on the left and the statements on the right. The bottom two left fields give me to double-check the data to be sure everything is ready for the analysis. For example, if all is good, a person's ratings will sum to 0. (I have noticed that data is sometimes missing, such as one of a person's statement ratings. Other quirky errors in the data have happened too, such as a person's data being duplicated. I'm not really sure why this is happening. Fortunately, it's a relatively rare occurrence, and I can usually make the needed corrections. Still, it's a cause of some concern.) I also drew that long arrow from the right side of the screen to the left to remind me to check that the raw data is being parsed correctly. I built in an auto-refresh feature so that after the mouse leaves each field after pasting, the key data fields update automatically.
If all is good, I simply click the red button "Analyze" and voilà! Here is the output:
The data are all nicely computed and sorted just the way I want.
If I now click on the button "Copy All to Clipboard" I can then paste the data into Excel and use the "Text to Columns" option to produce the following formatted spreadsheet:
This is more than adequate, but a few more edits within Excel will produce the following output:
I usually just project this final spreadsheet on the large screen for students to review. But, I could easily copy and paste this into a PowerPoint slide as well.
The main point to all of this is that I can go from raw data to PowerPoint in about 2 minutes without needing any intense concentration to do so. While this isn't exactly a one-click solution, it's pretty close!
I should explain the "Summary Statement Average" of 2.41. After participants complete the Q sort, I ask them to rate one more question. In this case, the statement was "It is important to go on a real vacation at least once a year." I used the same rating scale as that used in the Q sort, which in this case ranged from -3 to +3 (a seven point scale). A summary rating of 2.41 clearly indicates that this group believes in the idea of yearly vacations. This summary statement gives me a Likert-like item that I'm considering using as a kind of weight to modify the raw data. These results are shown above under the orange headings ("adjusted"). I have some research questions related to this. Perhaps I'll explain more about that later.
Are You Like Me?
You might have noticed another button just below the Analyze button titled "Are You Like Me?" This is rather interesting and I will explain it further in a follow-up blog posting. Basically, this button will produce an analysis where each person is compared to the rest of the group. I think this has much potential for both instruction and research. It leads to some very interesting results that really seem to grab the participants' attention and interest.
Final Thoughts
I really wasn't wanting to create this Q Sort Analysis Tool, but it was needed and I'm obviously now glad it's done. It makes the analysis process extremely easy for me. And, even though I compute some simple statistics (i.e. sum and standard deviation), it would be very easy to add other statistics as well, should they prove necessary.
So, how did these undergraduates sort this list of favorite vacation destinations? As you probably already noted, Hawaii topped the list with very little disagreement among the group. Somewhat surprisingly, London was next (I would have bet on Paris). I find it very interesting that "Home" garnered the most disagreement and this result could be used to initiate some interesting discussion. Alas, Pittsburgh was second to last and there seemed to be little disagreement about this among the students. I'll feel sorry for them the next time I'm enjoying a delicious fish sandwich with pierogies on the side at Cupka's Cafe on Pittsburgh's southside. But, Pittsburgh did rank higher than Branson, Missouri. Perhaps "Thank God for Branson, MO!" should become Pittsburgh's new motto.
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ReplyDeleteThis post demonstrates an impressive application of LiveCode for Q sort data analysis, simplifying a complex task into a user-friendly tool. The author's dedication to enhancing classroom engagement and research efficiency is commendable.
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"Diving into the realm of Q Sort data analysis feels like crafting a bespoke lens to unravel the intricate patterns of participant perspectives. Crafting a custom tool is not just about code; it's sculpting a dynamic bridge between raw data and meaningful insights. Your blog provides a roadmap for those ready to embark on the exciting journey of personalized analysis – turning data into a canvas for understanding."
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ReplyDeleteThis article offers a fascinating look into the development of a custom tool for analyzing Q sort data using LiveCode. The emphasis on quickly transforming raw data into insightful visualizations for classroom discussions is commendable. The tool's ability to streamline the analysis process significantly enhances the learning experience by providing immediate feedback to participants.
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It sounds like you’ve had an exciting semester! Your work on the Q sort tool with LiveCode is fascinating, especially since it can really enhance data analysis. Custom tools like yours are crucial for effectively interpreting Q sort data. I can’t wait to see how your tool evolves and what features you’ll add next. Keep up the great work, and I hope to read more about your progress soon!
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Great post, Lloyd! Your Q sort analysis tool is an impressive example of how LiveCode can simplify complex tasks. It’s fantastic to see such practical application, and the one-click solution you’ve developed is a huge time-saver. Your approach to using summary statements and the “Are You Like Me?” feature adds a unique and insightful dimension to data analysis. Thanks for sharing your experience and tool—it’s inspiring and incredibly useful for those of us working with educational software
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Fantastic job on developing a custom tool for analyzing Q Sort data! Your initiative not only showcases your innovative thinking but also contributes significantly to data analysis methodologies. Keep pushing boundaries—your work is inspiring!
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This is a fantastic exploration of using LiveCode to streamline the analysis of Q sort data! Your approach to creating a custom tool for educational purposes showcases the potential of LiveCode in building interactive applications that enhance the learning experience.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate how you detailed the entire process, from collecting raw data to analyzing it and presenting the results. The step-by-step explanation makes it clear how this tool can significantly reduce the time and effort needed to analyze Q sort data compared to using Excel, especially under the pressure of a live classroom setting.
The integration of an auto-refresh feature and the simple interface for pasting raw data into your tool is an excellent design choice that enhances usability. It’s impressive how you’re not just focusing on the functionality but also on making it accessible for educators and students alike.
I’m particularly intrigued by the “Are You Like Me?” button and the potential insights it could provide. It sounds like a unique way to facilitate discussions about individual differences and similarities, which can be a valuable learning opportunity.
Overall, this post not only reflects your journey in mastering LiveCode but also provides a useful resource for others interested in educational software development. I look forward to reading more about your experiences and any additional features you plan to add to your tool!
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This is a fantastic post on creating a custom tool to analyze Q-sort data! I really appreciate how you’ve walked through the process, making it easy to follow for anyone looking to implement this kind of analysis. Your approach is both practical and informative, and I’m sure it will help many looking to dive into Q-sort methodology. Thanks for sharing this insightful guide.
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This summary statement gives me a Likert-like item that I'm considering using as a kind of weight to modify the raw data.
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ReplyDelete"Such an interesting post! I never realized how custom tools could simplify the analysis of Q-sort data. The code samples you provided make it easy to follow along. Looking forward to trying it out myself and using it in my research. Thanks for sharing
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Developing a custom tool to analyze Q sort data is a brilliant way to streamline real-time insights and enhance classroom discussions. Such tools enable educators to harness subjectivity for active learning and immediate engagement.
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Your work on the Q sort tool is fascinating! The improvements in design and the focus on real-time analysis will surely enhance both user engagement and the educational experience.
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What a fascinating dive into the practical application of LiveCode for educational tools!digital marketing courses in delhi
ReplyDeleteCreating a Custom Tool to Analyze Q Sort Data is an insightful exploration of developing tailored solutions for qualitative analysis. It highlights the importance of flexibility in Q-sort research, allowing researchers to adapt tools to specific project needs. The piece provides practical guidance, emphasizing usability, data visualization, and precision, making it a valuable resource for researchers seeking customized analytical approaches.
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This post offers a fascinating dive into the creation of a custom tool for Q sort data analysis, blending technical ingenuity with a strong focus on enhancing classroom engagement. The clear progression from problem identification to solution development, coupled with a practical demonstration of the tool's capabilities, makes it both insightful and inspiring. The humorous anecdotes about Pittsburgh and Branson add a personal and relatable touch!
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This could be incredibly useful for psychology, social sciences, and market research—Q Sort is widely used but lacks easy-to-use analysis tools.
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"Thank you for this comprehensive guide on developing a custom tool for Q-sort analysis using Livecode! As someone who is interested in psychology and social sciences, I found your step-by-step instructions and explanations incredibly valuable. The clarity with which you describe the process makes it accessible even for beginners. I'm excited to try this out in my own projects. Keep up the great work!"
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Your article on developing a custom tool to analyze Q sort data is both insightful and practical. Your detailed explanation of using LiveCode to streamline the analysis process highlights the power of data analytics in research. The step-by-step breakdown, from collecting raw data to generating insights, provides valuable guidance for educators and researchers. Your work showcases how data analytics can enhance efficiency and decision-making. This is an excellent resource for anyone looking to optimize their analytical processes!
ReplyDelete"Your blog is an enlightening read! The Q sort tool sounds incredibly useful for engaging students in active learning. I appreciate the clear explanation and the effort you’ve put into improving and analyzing the Q sort activity. Great job on making complex data accessible and easy to understand. Looking forward to more updates.
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ReplyDeleteThis is a fascinating journey into using LiveCode for interactive educational tools! The Q sort tool and its analysis method sound like a great way to engage students in meaningful discussions. Automating the data processing to make results available quickly is a smart approach, especially in a classroom setting. Looking forward to more updates on how LiveCode helps streamline this process
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ReplyDelete"Your blog is an enlightening read! The Q sort tool sounds incredibly useful for engaging students in active learning. I appreciate the clear explanation and the effort you’ve put into improving and analyzing the Q sort activity. Great job on making complex data accessible and easy to understand. Looking forward to more updates.
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